
From guidelines issued by the publisher Steck-Vaughn to photographers providing images for their educational materials.

  • People should “look normal.”
  • Ethnic groups should be portrayed as attractive people.
  • Asians should not be depicted as shorter than non-Asians.
  • Contemporary, neat, clean, pressed clothing should be worn, but not their best clothes.
  • All women should wear bras. No noticeable bulges below the waist on men.
  • People should wear socks with pants or jeans. No bare feet.
  • No drugs, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or tobacco of any kind; no liquor, visible or in pockets.
  • No excessive long hair on men. No big hair on women. No trendy haircuts; i.e., shaved heads, carved names or initials, high-top fades, dreadlocks, etc.
  • No visible tattoos, scars, broken teaths, moles, disfigurements. However, a person with crutches or in a wheelchair is allowed.
  • No hand-holding or other public displays of accection.
  • No one should sit with his or her legs spread apart.
  • No gum chewing.
  • Not to trendy lifestyles; i.e., normal houses, do and cat, etc.
  • No churches, adult theaters/bookstores, bars, liquor stores, etc., showing in background.
  • Meals should be healthful.
  • Dogs and cats should not be on furniture.

Quelle: Harper’s Magazine / May 2004